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Be the trusted partner to our healthcare stakeholders by providing top quality & state of the art consulting services 



We help our clients to grow bigger & stronger with measurable impact on healthcare



Culture of transparency that encourages creative minds to collaborate


Open source mind-set
























Impact Health is founded by Esen ErdoÄŸan-Çiftçi in 2021. She is a

healthcare eco-system shaping & market access strategist with

Health Economics, Outcomes Research & Real World data analytics

technical skills.


Turkey: Before starting her own business, Esen worked as a Market

Access, Health Economics & Precision Medicine strategist

at Pharma & Medical Technology companies such as Roche, Novartis,

Allergan & Medtronic.  


During this period, she was responsible for the development of pricing &

strategic market access business models for several blockbuster oncology

(in immuno-oncology drugs, breast, lung, rare tumors, mature products arena),

neuroscience (i.e. MS), cardiovascular (heart failure & hypertension), diabetes,

ophthalmology and respiratory products. She has a proven track record in receiving

reimbursement, removing access restrictions, starting early access programs

for several compounds and developing health economics models / required evidence.


During 2019-2021, she worked as a precision medicine strategist at 

Pharma & Diagnostics Squad & Foundation Medicine (oncology gene sequencing).

She focused on the development of personalized healthcare  eco-system shaping with

the use of comprehensive genomic profiling, healthcare data collection platforms and

personalized treatments. She developed a value based partnership project with the

Ministry of Health & Health Policy Institute.


Esen has extensive experience with payers and payer commissions, Ministry of Health, decision maker physicians, advisory boards, governmental institutions, policy makers and academic institutions.


​Europe & across the globe: Prior to her experience in Turkey, Esen lived & worked as a researcher, lecturer & consultant in the Netherlands for 9 years. She worked at Pharmerit (Rotterdam) - now Open Health - as a research consultant where she worked with clients across the globe such as the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, the Philippines and the U.S. on the development of health economics, outcomes research and strategic market access strategy for infectious diseases, atopic dermatitis, autoimmune diseases, mental disorders, hepatitis.


Other regional expertise: Esen was involved in the design and implementation of a healthcare policy & eco-system shaping initiative in Turkey and Africa as a continent (Future Proof Healthcare). The initiative serves as one of the first & leading example of the use of data driven tools to shape the sustainability and personalized healthcare environment of several countries. 


Finally, she worked in the personalized healthcare regional team (Russia, Iran, Central Asia,Eastern Europe and Indian subcontinent) in which she developed regional strategies to implement practically to develop a personalized health-care eco-system.


Healthcare data researcher: Esen has a B.S in Statistics. She has extensive experience in Outcomes Research. During her consultancy  career as well as Ph.D, she worked with large patient level European and U.S datasets, conducted econometric analyses and developed HTA strategies based on the analysis of patient level data. She worked with top Dutch clinicians on the design & interpretation of outcomes and health economic analyses. She has expertise in preparing and conducting surveys for key opinion leaders & ad-boards in order to collect epidemiological and disease specific data. 


Outcomes research is one of her passion and she says: “that is when the power of data can be translated in to decision making in healthcare. I saw a match of 95% between clinical efficacy result from clinical trial vs clinical efficacy result from outcomes data, as well as mismatches between the two. What would you choose as a decision maker?"


Academic years: She received her Ph.D degree in Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam with a specialization in Health Economics. Her doctoral studies focused on how to model health, how it gets in to economic decision making as a parameter, how it is measured subjectively & more objectively and finally the importance of health in labor economics decisions. She worked with the big data of national population & electronic health records databases in the Netherlands, as well as the European & U.S cross country health and socioeconomic databases. Parts of her research have been published in Economics and Health Economics Academic Journals.


Esen received her Bachelor Degree in Statistics from the Middle East Technical University and Masters’ in Economics Degree from the Bilkent University. 


We look for innovative and curious  talent to join our team & to make a true Impact on healthcare.


Contact us for the opportunities.

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Our Partners 

Medical Partner

Prof. Dr. Hakan Koyuncu

Prof. Dr. Hakan Koyuncu currently works at Medicana International Health Group. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 2001. He finished his residency of urology in Ankara Numune Hospital in 2006. He continued his academic career at Yeditepe University & he became a Professor of Medicine in 2020. He has several specialties including urological oncology and has numerous publications in highly ranked academic journals.

Ecosystem Partner

Oya Demir, Pharm

Oya Demir, Pharm has 15 years of experience in several healthcare industry functions including market access, regulatory, government affairs and sales. Oya is Impact Health's ecosystem partner focusing on governmental affairs regarding regulatory, reimbursement and pricing of orphan drugs, biopharmaceuticals and nutrition products. 

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