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Transform your decision making 


For evidence-based decision making, there is a need for high quality, timely & accessible data at each level of the healthcare eco-system. Limited use of local data at each level of the healthcare eco-system is still reported to be a main challenge for evidence-based decision-making in developing countries. And even if there is enough evidence, we know so little about how it is used for decision-making at different levels of the healthcare eco-system.


Every disease, every intervention & their combination is unique. Direct healthcare costs, indirect costs, burden of illness, health outcomes from real world evidence, patient journey mapping, payer insights are different levels of data that will lead to the most accurate decision making. Budget impact & cost effectiveness will be fed from the quality & accuracy of collected data. A lot of new interventions are underused / undervalued because clinical trials did not show their value in terms of improving the quality of life or decreased adverse / side effects.


Now is the time to seek for and to harness the power of healthcare data and transform your decision making. With the availability of incredible amount of existing open source data and willingness to generate new real world data in the healthcare eco-system, there is no excuse anymore to delay or giving up of your critical milestones.


We can provide you with a tailored evidence pack depending on the needs of your desired healthcare eco-system. Our “personalized” data dashboards & patient journey tools are the tools that will represent all the necessary information tailored for different healthcare eco-system stakeholders. 


Outcomes based reimbursement models will only be accurate & successful with the right data analytics. We provide expertise to include health economics perspective & pack in to the design of your real world data study to perform HTA analyses. We perform the analytics for your already collected outcomes research and patient registry data to have meaningful data at scale.


  • Health Economics Studies (Cost effectiveness, Budget Impact, Burden of Illness)

  • Patient Journey Mapping & Tools

  • Dashboards & payer communication tools

  • Outcomes Research Data Analytics

  • Patient Registry Data Analytics

  • Health Technology Assesment for small & big accounts

  • Landscape Analyses

  • Stakeholder mapping

  • Payer insights & payer research

  • Evidence Gap & Market Gap Analyses

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