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Comprehensive Strategic  Solutions


Strategic Access requires a new approach. Single payer, continuous unconditional access, accelerated timelines, long-run early access schemes remained in the past. Access is not about “a stakeholder”, not about a single price or a single product anymore. Impact Health can help you to build a strategy that achieves each access milestone holistically by focusing on the reality of various stakeholders in the healthcare eco-system.


 We can help you to create solutions for access challenges that varies from risk-sharing to outcomes or value based schemes. Do you know precision medicine can be the core solution of budget pressures? Impact Health offers value pack and data solutions that are embedded in each access milestone. We also offer senior level access communications support including government affairs & publication activities.

  • Market Access Strategy

  • Regulatory Strategy

  • Pricing Strategy

  • Public Reimbursement Strategy

  • Private Insurance Reimbursement Strategy

  • Managed Entry Agreements Strategy

  • Outcomes Based Agreements

  • Personalized Healthcare Strategy

  • Value Based Healthcare Strategy

  • Government Affairs

  • Senior-level support for your publication activities (articles, posters, academic writing support, scientific publications)

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