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Message from Impact Health

Access to healthcare (pharmaceuticals, medical technologies, devices, diagnostics and interventions) sets the baseline for all patient encounters with the healthcare industry. Despite this importance, patient access is still far from reality for many patients across different regions.


Covid 19 has had a detrimental impact on every access milestone: i) marketing authorization (regulatory) process has slowed, ii) assessment and reimbursement of non-Covid therapies and technologies have been de-prioritized, iii) pressure on government budgets are further increased, iv) HTA process has slowed down, v)hospital capacity for non-Covid diagnosis has been reduced vi) treatment and follow-up patterns have been dramatically changed.


Healthcare is transforming at an astonishing speed faced with increasing pressures from disruptive healthcare technologies. Covid 19 pandemic might be expected to reinforce and accelerate this transformation. Before Covid 19, we had been considering a timeline over the next 10-20 years. It is now clear that things will move much quicker. 


We are all challenged to optimize the business of today with the right access strategy and maximize health outcomes for patients, while at the same time shape the healthcare eco-system for a prevention-focused digital future.


This requires solid and bold steps that move away from the status-quo. This requires the right partnerships to connect, combine & share the data and evidence that will deliver a more holistic picture of risk, outcomes and stakeholder value.


Yet, each step of access journey needs to be improved with the aim of delivering the best clinical outcomes with optimized costs in the health economics of scarcity. This situation requires more than a fine-tuning of how we think about healthcare, patients, our business, policy makers and how we think about the payers for healthcare.


Future of healthcare is already here. Let us start transforming your access and eco-system shaping strategy today to optimize your business for the future.

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